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9/17/2020 - Family visit with Bridget

The kids have been so anxious to meet Bridget. We were able to take the whole family out to meet her tonight & the kids immediately loved her too. It's only been a few days since she received the heartworm treatment, but she was already feeling much better. The heartworm treatment typically zaps their energy & strength for a week, or two so it was so nice to see her feeling well. She was happy & bouncing about, but always staying near to give plenty of kisses. One of the tasks that she will be learning for me is to bark to alert others when I need help. She's really making the trainer work hard for that one, lol. Thankfully with the help of one of his dogs, he found a way to prompt her though, way to go Bridget, you will get this is no time!

The trainer is being so kind & has said that we can go out to see her as much as we like. I'm sure he's a busy man though so we are planning to keep it at once a week for now. For now she has to remain calm, but after she has had a chance to completely recover from the heartworms & training becomes more intense, then he has mentioned having us out a couple times a week so that I can work with her as well. I'm so excited to see her progress!

A cat looking at a window


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 Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope that our story will spread very needed awareness about EDS, POTS, & MCAS, along with encouraging others to continue pushing forward. I also hope to spread awareness about service dogs as so many that are in need have no idea where to go, or how to start. Also, so many people don't understand how to act around a service dog causing distraction & possible injury to the handler. 

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