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9/18/2020 - New doctor appointment

Several people have been recommending that I go see a new primary type doctor that specializes in EDS. I had been putting it off, because, well for starters, I don't like going to new doctors. It usually ends up badly & my reason for having medical PTSD. Second, with him being a primary doctor I was concerned that I might have to give up my current primary in order to see him. This wasn't the case though. I am allowed to keep my primary who has stood by me when no other doctors did, & see this new one strictly to over see the EDS related issues.

He was actually very nice, very thorough (that was a welcome change), & he made three new referrals in hopes that we can find some help. He's sending me to a GI doctor to determine if I definitely have Gastroparesis & if so, if there's anything additional beyond a liquid diet of Kate Farms meal replacement drinks that they can do for me. My last GI doctor was not familiar with EDS, or what it causes so this one should be much better. I must add that those Kate Farms drinks are great! They have really helped me so much. I have gained from 78 to 98 because of them. People ask me all the time if I miss eating solid foods, but there is a few things that I can still have in very small portions, & I love the drinks because I know longer have to fear rushing to the ER with anaphylaxis whenever I eat. I also no longer look 6 months pregnant , or have abdominal pains & nausea every time that I consume something. The drinks are all natural & settle much better for me. For anyone having severe problems with foods, I highly recommend checking them out, talking to your doctor, & seeing if it looks like something that your body will tolerate. With a prescription from your doctor, "most" insurance companies will pay for them. #KateFarms

He also made a referral to another neurosurgeon who will hopefully be knowledgeable & willing to help me out with my spinal issues. This doctor is also wanting the neurosurgeon to check for tethered cord as he says I have symptoms of it as well. Why am not surprised. Oh well, just another bump in the road. I can do this.

The third referral is for a doctor that will do some nerve testing. Hopefully they will all be knowledgeable, kind, & have some additional answers. #zebrastrong, #EDS, #Gastroparesis

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 Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope that our story will spread very needed awareness about EDS, POTS, & MCAS, along with encouraging others to continue pushing forward. I also hope to spread awareness about service dogs as so many that are in need have no idea where to go, or how to start. Also, so many people don't understand how to act around a service dog causing distraction & possible injury to the handler. 

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