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9/19/2020 Making Homemade Dog Treats

 I'm very picky about what ingredients are in not only our food, but food for the pups as well. After all, they deserve the best as well & I want to make sure they are healthy as possible. 

   I found a recipe on, tweaked it a bit (actually a fair bit) & planning to make them today. For starters I am switching the wheat to a gluten free mix. I prefer King Arthur, or Namaste brands. Wheat is more difficult for dogs to digest & the cause of many allergy issues including hot spots. I also switched out portions of the flour to include Chia seeds for it's high Omega 3's, & flax seeds for their health benefits as well. Plus I'm adding a bit of ginger which helps with inflamation, digestion, cancer prevention, & more.  So what's the recipe?  Here's my finished version. 

                                              Peanut Butter & ginger pumpkin Dog Treats

2 cups GF flour mix                    1/8 cup Chia seeds               1/4 cup ground flax seeds

1/8 cup Glutinous rice flour (doesn't actually contain gluten) 1/2 cup canned pumpkin         2 TBSP creamy peanut buttter         1/2 tsp pink H. salt

1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon           1/4 tsp ginger powder

     Mix all dry ingredients toether in a mixing bowl. Add beaten eggs, peanut butter, & pumkin. You might need to add just enough water to make the dough workable, but should be dry & stiff.  Roll the dough into ropes of desired size, then cut into pieces. I cut it slice in 1/2 because I want the treats to be small for training purposes. Bake at 350F around 20 to 30 minutes (depending on size of your treats), or until they start to feel fairly firm. It took 20 minutes for mine. Refrigerate in a jar after baking to keep them fresh & from molding quickly. If not using very quickly you could also freeze any extra & then get out to thaw as ready.

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The pups both approved & begged for more, however my kids tasted them & weren't so pleased, lol.


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 Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope that our story will spread very needed awareness about EDS, POTS, & MCAS, along with encouraging others to continue pushing forward. I also hope to spread awareness about service dogs as so many that are in need have no idea where to go, or how to start. Also, so many people don't understand how to act around a service dog causing distraction & possible injury to the handler. 

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