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Bridget did great today!

I had a follow up appointment with my EDS specialist today so afterwards we made a few other stops. Even though Bridget is doing amazing, since she's still early in her training I didn't want to chance taking her into the doctor's office just yet. The exam rooms are really small there anyway. Last time I was there I could barely fit my manual wheelchair in the room so not really space for a large dog. While in there, my husband walked her for me & they pasted a couple other dogs on the sidewalk. He said she did fantastic & wasn't distracted by them at all. Way to go Bridget, Momma's so proud! We went into a nearby bookstore while in the area & Bridget alerted without hesitation & went straight into a DPT task for me. She held her position perfectly until I gave her the "off"command. Afterwards an employee saw us walking through & commented on how exceptional she is. While I do have trouble with eating solid foods these days & on a liquid diet, I can occasionally have certain treats, or very small amounts of solid food if not on my long list of allergen triggers. I have been looking so forward to trying the childhood favorite of gluten free Oreo's that were finally released in stores yesterday so we swung by the store in search of them. Jackpot! We found them, double stuff to be exact, Yay! BTW, they are SO good!


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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

 Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope that our story will spread very needed awareness about EDS, POTS, & MCAS, along with encouraging others to continue pushing forward. I also hope to spread awareness about service dogs as so many that are in need have no idea where to go, or how to start. Also, so many people don't understand how to act around a service dog causing distraction & possible injury to the handler. 

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