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10/3/2020 A concern with Bridget

We went out to the trainer's yesterday to visit with Bridget. She has suddenly developed a very large lump on top of her lower back the size of a grapefruit. It has been 4 weeks since she received her heartworm treatment for the mild case of heartworms that she had. We believe that it may be a side effect to that injection, but very concerned to have this confirmed & to make sure that she is okay. The trainer is going to take her to his vet where she received the treatment & let me know what is said. After what we just went through with Lexi this has me really worried so I will be anxiously awaiting to hear from him. On the plus side, she seems to be feeling really well, energetic, very playful, & eating well. I will be giving you all an update when I learn more about her condition.


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 Thank you for stopping by. It's my hope that our story will spread very needed awareness about EDS, POTS, & MCAS, along with encouraging others to continue pushing forward. I also hope to spread awareness about service dogs as so many that are in need have no idea where to go, or how to start. Also, so many people don't understand how to act around a service dog causing distraction & possible injury to the handler. 

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